Institut für Migrationsforschung und Interkulturelle Studien

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Promovierende am IMIS / PhD researchers at IMIS

Judith Altrogge

Sociology / Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Helen Schwenken
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Kholoüd Awada

SFB 1604, B1 / Law / Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Thomas Groß

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Olaf Berg

Modern History and Historical Migration Research

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Ahmet Celikten

SFB 1604, A3  / History / Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Christoph Rass, Prof. Dr. Lale Yıldırım

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Rawnak Dakelbab

Sociology, Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Helen Schwenken
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Cyntia de Andrade Machado

Sociology, Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Helen Schwenken
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Frederik Doktor

SFB 1604, C2 / Modern History / University of Flensburg / Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Christiane Reinecke

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Linda Ennen-Lange

Modern History and Historical Migration Research (NGHM)

Topic: ‚Heimatlose Ausländer‘ – Kategorisierung, Niederlassung und Integration von ‚Displaced Persons‘ in Osnabrück nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg (working title), Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Christoph Rass

Maria Consuelo Flores Rojas

Sociology / Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Helen Schwenken
Topic: Expectations in Confrontation
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Fadi Hasan

Fadi Hasan, Foto: Privat

Topic: "Exploring Agency- Structure Nexus in Shaping Marital Relations: Syrian Families in Germany", Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Helen Schwenken

Mira E. Hazzaa

Sociology / Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Helen Schwenken
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Katharina Heilmann

Social Sciences / Forced Migration and Refugee Studies, Supervisor: Prof Dr. Ulrike Krause
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Lisa Marie Heimeshoff

Sociology / Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Helen Schwenken
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Daniel Heinz

SFB 1604, A4 / Sociology / Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Hajo Holst

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Lukas Hennies

Modern History and Historical Migration Research (NGHM), Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Christoph Rass
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Annika Heyen

Modern History and Historical Migration Research (NGHM), Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Christoph Rass
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Katherina Hildebrand

SFB 1604, A1 / Social Psychology / Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Julia Becker

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Isabel Hoffmann

SFB 1604, B2 / Political Science & International Relations / Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Ulrich Schneckener

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Maik Hoops

SFB 1604, A3  / History / Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Christoph Rass, Prof. Dr. Lale Yıldırım

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David Hünlich

Migration History

Topic: "Das Echo der Migration: Die ökonomisch-berufliche Situation deutschstämmiger Nachkommen in den USA" (working title)

First supervisor: Prof. Dr. Jochen Oltmer
Second supervisor: Prof. Walter Kamphoefner (Texas A&M University)


Ahmed Jemaa

SFB 1604, C4 / Sociology, Supervisor: Dr. Maurice Stierl

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Anna Kaim

Anna Maria Kaim

Modern History and Historical Migration Research
Topic: Schule und Familie als Sozialisationsinstanzen in der Migrationsgesellschaft
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Christoph Rass

Cleia Kattwinkel dos Santos

Cleia Kattwinkel dos Santos, photo: private


Topic: ‘Durable solutions’ in the context of protracted displacement: a long-term perspective on the cessation of the refugee status for Liberian refugees in Ivory Coast.

Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Helen Schwenken


Katharina Kleynmans

SFB 1604, B2 / Political Science & International Relations / Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Ulrich Schneckener

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Thea Kruse

SFB 1604, C2 / Modern History / University of Flensburg / Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Christiane Reinecke

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Matthias Land

Geography / Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Andreas Pott

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Uta Lehmann

Migration Research / Geography
Topic: "Migration als Exitstrategie. Bildungs- und berufsorientierte Praxis iranischer Migranten in der BRD und den USA" (working title) / Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Andreas Pott

Judith Masselmann

SFB 1604, A1 / Social Psychology / Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Julia Becker

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Edwin Mutyenyoka

Sociology / First Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Helen Schwenken
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Marlene Neumann

Migration Research / Social Sciences, Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Jochen Oltmer
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Can Yasemin Okay

SFB 1604, B4 / Anthropology/Sociology of Religion
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Max Pochadt

Social Geography / Modern History and Historical Migration Reserach (NGHM), Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Andreas Pott & Prof. Dr. Christoph Rass
Topic: "Stadtraum und Bevöllkerungswandel. Eine explorative datengesteuerte Analyse der wohnbiografischen Muster zugewanderter 'Ausländer:innen' in Osnabrück zwischen 1949 und 1980" (working title)

Homaira Rahnoma

SFB 1604, B3 / Sociology / Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Helen Schwenken

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Philipp Ratfisch

Sociology, Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Helen Schwenken
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Jennifer-Louise Robinson

SFB 1604, B1 / Sociology / Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Helen Schwenken & Prof. Dr. Thomas Groß

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Dominic Sauerbrey

SFB 1604, A5 / Migration History / Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Jochen Oltmer & Prof. Dr. Isabella Löhr

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Aurora A. Sauter

SFB 1604, C5 / Sociology / University of Frankfurt / Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Thomas Scheffer & Prof. Dr. Andreas Pott

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Jan Schaller

Jan Schaller, photo: private

Topic: "Machtverhältnisse im europäischen Migrationsregime: Hotspots als Orte der (informellen) Aushandlung?"
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Helen Schwenken

Publication: Papierlos Studieren (utb)

Nadine Segadlo

Social Sciences / Forced Migration and Refugee Studies, Supervisor: Prof Dr. Ulrike Krause
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Simon Sperling

Social Sciences, Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Jannis Panagiotidis & Prof. Dr. Helen Schwenken
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Johanna Ullmann

Sociology, Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Helen Schwenken
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Jurica Volarevic

SFB 1604, C3 / Social Geography / Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Christine Lang

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Janine Wasmuth

Modern History and Historical Migration Research (NGHM), Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Christoph Rass
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Jessica Wehner

Modern History and Historical Migration Research (NGHM), Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Christoph Rass
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Zahra Wendland

Zahra Wendland, photo: private

European Legal Studies
Topic: Völkerrechtlich und verfassungsrechtlich begründete Einreiserechte, Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Thomas Groß

Janna Wichern

SFB 1604, A4 / Sociology / Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Hajo Holst

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Elif Yakac

Political Sciences & Islamic Studies / Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Ulrike Krause
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