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IMIS/SFB Lecture by Dr. Hassan Ould Moctar: “After Border Externalization”
[20.3.2025] The research group “The Production of Knowledge on Migration” is pleased to welcome Dr. Hassan Ould Moctar, Lecturer in the Department of Anthropology at SOAS, University of London, to Osnabrück! The lecture "After Border Externalization: Migration, Race, and Labour in Mauritania" will be in English and take place on Tuesday, 1 April 2025, 18:00-19:30h at Osnabrück University, Seminarstraße 20, EW-Building, Room 15/421.
Winter term 2024/25: Lecture series of the Master's program "International Migration and Intercultural Relations" (IMIB)
[15.10.2024] In the winter semester 2024/25, IMIS invites you to its annual lecture series of the Master's program "International Migration and Intercultural Relations" (IMIB). Under the title “Migration: Production Processes, Diversity and Social Impact”, the lecture series offers a wide range of international perspectives on current topics in migration research. Part 1 of the lecture series will take place digitally in cooperation with the English-language joint Master's program EuMIGS, part 2 in presence at IMIS. For more information, see the program.
Out now: IMIS Working Paper on Gender Norms and the 'Backway'
[29.11.2024] Out now: Altrogge, Judith/Jaw, Sait Matty/Gassama, Fatoumata (2024): Gender Norms and the ‘Backway’. Migration Aspirations, Experiences and Social Tensions around Women’s Land Migration from The Gambia towards Europe. IMIS Working Paper 20, Institut für Migrationsforschung und Interkulturelle Studien (IMIS) der Universität Osnabrück. Osnabrück: IMIS.
As part of the research project ‘Transnational Perspectives on Migration and Integration’ (TRANSMIT), this paper examines Gambian women who embark on land migration to Europe, known as the ‘backway’. The focus lies on the negotiation processes between them and their social environment. Gender norms which traditionally assign women a passive societal role often clash with their ambitions for a better life, economic independence, and gender equality. - Based on four cases, we analyse the decisions and experiences of four women as well as the perception thereof by their family members and community representatives before, during, and after the journey. This reveals an ambivalent position: while families often reject women’s ‘backway’ migration as a violation of gender norms, they also value the economic contributions these women make. Understanding female migrants’ decision-making requires close examination of gender norms, social pressures and how women navigate them. The experiences of Gambian women on the ‘backway’ route emphasise the need to further highlight gender inequality and acknowledge the agency of female migrants in restrictive environments. See https://osnadocs.ub.uni-osnabrueck.de/handle/ds-2024112911835 / All IMIS Working Papers
Journal of Migration Studies: issue 1/2024 online now
[26.11.2024] Vol. 1/2024 of the Journal of Migration Studies (ZMF) is online now: It comprises four essays and two discussion papers from different disciplines. The new journal is a freely accessible open access journal and is published twice a year. All contributions are subject to a review process for quality assurance. The journal offers a forum for the scolarly examination of the background and conditions of spatial movements of people in the past and present as well as of social change induced by migration processes in contexts of origin, transit and destination. Read more
Journal of Migration Studies (ZMF): Call for Special Issues
[15.11.2024] The Journal of Migration Studies (Zeitschrift für Migrationsforschung, ZMF) is a peer-reviewed open access journal in English and German language, published twice a year by the Institute for Migration Research and Intercultural Studies (IMIS) at Osnabrück University. It offers a forum for the scholarly examination of the background and conditions of spatial movements of people in the past and present as well as of social change induced by migration processes in contexts of origin, transit, and destination. Contributions present new findings from various disciplines and fields of research, discuss concepts or formulate theoretical proposals.
We invite scholars in migration research to submit proposals for special issues (6-9 contributions) or special thematic sections in a regular issue (3-5 contributions). Proposals can be submitted at any time, without a specific deadline. Call for Special Issues / ZMF website

International conference and inauguration of the Collaborative Research Centre SFB 1604
[17.7.2024] The international conference ›Production of Migration: Figures, Infrastructures and Spaces‹ and inauguration of the Collaborative Research Centre SFB 1604 took place from 23-25 October at Osnabrück University. More information and programme, Statements & Interviews
Programme of the IMIS/SFB Lecture Series
The interdisciplinary IMIS/SFB Lecture Series will continue in the winter semester with lectures by Teresa Piacentini, Eva G. T. Green, Johann Lindquist as well as Ewald Frie and Boris Nieswand. The schedule and lecture topics can be found here. The lectures will take place in room 15/E16.

Germany's first collaborative research center on migration launches
[10.5.2024] What is migration? The new Collaborative Research Center (Sonderforschungsbereich - SFB) "Production of Migration" at Osnabrück University is investigating this question, because the answer to this question is anything but simple: Why, for example, is the Swedish woman living in Germany not referred to as a migrant, but the children and grandchildren of Turkish immigrants born in Germany are? What is the difference between migration and mobility? How and why do terms for immigrants and their descendants change? In the coming years, the SFB will address such questions. eit. Press release / more information on the SFB

New joint project "Futures of Migration"
[3.5.2024] Another success for migration research in Lower Saxony: The University of Osnabrück, under the leadership of IMIS and with the participation of the Universities of Göttingen and Hildesheim, the Leibniz Institute for Educational Media/Georg Eckert Institute and the Friedland Museum, has successfully applied for the new Lower Saxony cooperation format of a Wissenschaftsraum (Science Space) "Futures of Migration" (FuturMig). - What do migration-related future scenarios look like? What social progress and what fears are associated with migration? What ideas are there for shaping the migration society in a solidary and sustainable way? These are questions that the participating academics will address. They will be focussing on the production of "migration futures" in educational contexts.- The project will be funded with almost three million euros over the next five years. With the "Science Spaces" funding programme, the state of Lower Saxony and the Volkswagen Foundation are supporting cooperation between universities in Lower Saxony and non-university research institutions. 16 projects have received funding approval.
More information: Press release, Niedersächsisches Ministerium für Wissenschaft und Kultur / Press release, Osnabrück University