Institute for Migration Research and Intercultural Studies

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Part of IMIS members and staff, May 2023. Photo: Karin Schumacher, Osnabück University

Welcome to the Institute for Migration Research and Intercultural Studies (IMIS)

The Institute for Migration Research and Intercultural Studies (IMIS) is an interdisciplinary and interdepartmental research center at the University of Osnabrück.

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Lecture with Prof. Dr. Harald Bauder: "Sovereignty and Solidarity: The Production of Migration in State and Urban Politics"

[8.7.2024] Harald Bauder will give the fourth IMIS/SFB Lecture on 12 August, 18.00-19.30 hrs. Harald Bauder is Professor in the Department of Geography and Environmental Studies (Toronto Metropolitan University, Canada) and currently leads the international partnership project 'Urban Sanctuary, Migrant Solidarity and Hospitality in Global Perspective'. The lecture will take place in room 11/213 (Osnabrück University, Neuer Graben 19 (Schloss)).Online livestreaming is available here.

Guest Lecture by Dr. Philipp Strobl (University of Vienna): "Navigating Through Refugee Agency: Methodological Considerations from a Historical Perspective"

[12.6.2024] As a part of the international workshop "Forced Migrants, Agency and the Production of Migration", organized by Prof. Dr. Christoph Rass (IMIS/SFB 1604) and Prof. Dr. Kerstin von Lingen (University of Vienna), Dr. Philipp Strobl (University of Vienna) will give a guest lecture on "Navigating Through Refugee Agency: Methodological Considerations from a Historical Perspective". The lecture will take place on Thursday, 27 June 2024, 18-19:30 hrs, in room 15/130, Seminarstr. 20, Osnabrück University. more information

Lecture with Prof. Dr. Naika Foroutan "Postmigrant Knowledge Production"

[5.6.2024] The next IMIS/SFB Lecture took place on Tuesday 25 June, 18:00-19:30h (Osnabrück University, Seminarstraße 20, room 15/128). Naika Foroutan is Director of the German Center for Integration an Migration Research (DeZIM) in Berlin. The lecture was supplemented by a commetary by Janine Dahinden, Professor of Transnational Studies at the University of Neuchatel, Switzerland & Mercator Fellow of the SFB 1604 "Production of Migration". Video

Lecture with Prof. Dr. Steven Vertovec: ‘Superdiversity and the Production of Social Complexity’

[23.5.2024] Another IMIS/SFB Lecture took place on Tuesday 28 May, with Prof. Dr. Steven Vertovec who is Founding Director of the Max-Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity, Göttingen, Honorary Joint Professor of Sociology and Ethnology, University of Göttingen, and Supernumerary Fellow at Linacre College, Oxford. His research focuses on issues of ethnic and religious minorities, international migration, multiculturalism, transnationalism, diversity and, last but not least, superdiversity. The German edition of his latest book was published just a few weeks ago: Superdiversität: Migration und soziale Komplexität (Suhrkamp). The lecture can be found on the IMIS Youtube channel: Video

Photo: Miriam Sachs

Germany's first collaborative research center on migration launches

[10.5.2024] What is migration? The new Collaborative Research Center (Sonderforschungsbereich - SFB) "Production of Migration" at Osnabrück University is investigating this question, because the answer to this question is anything but simple: Why, for example, is the Swedish woman living in Germany not referred to as a migrant, but the children and grandchildren of Turkish immigrants born in Germany are? What is the difference between migration and mobility? How and why do terms for immigrants and their descendants change? In the coming years, the SFB will address such questions. eit. Press release / more information on the SFB

New joint project "Futures of Migration"

[3.5.2024] Another success for migration research in Lower Saxony: The University of Osnabrück, under the leadership of IMIS and with the participation of the Universities of Göttingen and Hildesheim, the Leibniz Institute for Educational Media/Georg Eckert Institute and the Friedland Museum, has successfully applied for the new Lower Saxony cooperation format of a Wissenschaftsraum (Science Space) "Futures of Migration" (FuturMig). - What do migration-related future scenarios look like? What social progress and what fears are associated with migration? What ideas are there for shaping the migration society in a solidary and sustainable way? These are questions that the participating academics will address. They will be focussing on the production of "migration futures" in educational contexts.- The project will be funded with almost three million euros over the next five years. With the "Science Spaces" funding programme, the state of Lower Saxony and the Volkswagen Foundation are supporting cooperation between universities in Lower Saxony and non-university research institutions. 16 projects have received funding approval.
More information: Press release, Niedersächsisches Ministerium für Wissenschaft und Kultur / Press release, Osnabrück University

IMIS/SFB Lecture with Dr Luna Vives

[26.4.2024] The first IMIS/SFB Lecture took place on Tuesday 14 May. Dr Luna Vives (Associate Professor in the Department of Geography at the Université de Montréal, Canada) will give talk on: »Evolving Maritime Search and Rescue along the Border of the EU: Death, Resistance, Hope«.
EU policymakers continue to develop new tactics to seal the border against sea migration, leading to a massive loss of human life. The militarization of SAR systems and the externalization of rescue responsibilities are deadly weapons in the EU's arsenal. Yet, throughout the region activist groups are resisting this trend, offering reason for hope.
The lecture was organized by the IMIS research group »The Production of Knowledge on Migration« and can be found on the IMIS Youtube channel: video.

International conference "Migration and Urban Activism in 20th Century Europe"

[9.4.2024] From 17 to 19 April 2024, the international conference "Migration and Urban Activism in 20th Century Europe" took place in Rome, organized by the German Historical Institute in Rome, the University of Vienna (Department of Education), Osnabrück University (Institute for Migration Research and Intercultural Studies), Sapienza Università di Roma and Utrecht University.
Cities are made by people who inhabit them. European cities over the 20th century have been strongly shaped by domestic and international migration as well as urban social movements, civil society action, and political protest of various forms. This conference at the German Historical Institute in Rome is designed to illuminate the historical relations between these two factors in urban history: migration and urban activism. It brings together scholars discussing the history of urban developments subject to activism by migrants, against migrants, and for migrants. These three perspectives shall contribute to a more systematic understanding of important processes in our cities to which European historiography hitherto has paid relatively little attention. Program

IMIS/SFB Lectures in the Summer semester 2024

[28.3.2024] Three IMIS/SFB Lectures will take place in the summer semester 2024: On 14 May,
 Assoc. Prof. Luna Vives González, Montréal University/Canada will talk about "Evolving Maritime Search and Rescue along the Border of the EU: Death, Resistance, Hope", followed on 28 May by Prof. Dr. Steven Vertovec, Director of the Max-Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity, Göttingen: "Superdiversity and the Production of Social Complexity", and on 25 June by Prof. Dr. Naika Foroutan, Director of the German Center for Integration and Migration Research (DeZIM), Berlin: "Postmigrant Knowledge Production", with a commentary by Prof. Dr. Janine Dahinden, Transnational Studies, University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland & SFB Mercator Fellow

The lectures take place in room 11/212, Neuer Graben 19/Schloss, 49069 Osnabrück. Program

Sub-project leaders of the Collaborative Research Center at Osnabrück University. © Simone Reukauf Fotografie

Major success for migration research in Osnabrück: DFG approves a new Collaborative Research Center at the University

[24.11.2023] It is an outstanding recognition of the achievements of migration research in Osnabrück: the German Research Foundation (DFG) has selected the proposal to establish the Collaborative Research Center "Production of Migration" at the University of Osnabrück for funding. The research strength of the location and the innovative concept of the network of 17 sub-project leaders from Osnabrück, Berlin/Potsdam, Flensburg, Frankfurt am Main and Münster were convincing. Osnabrück University will receive around 8.3 million euros to implement the project for the first funding phase until the end of 2027. Press release / more information on the CRC