
Dr. H. Nese Özgen, PhD
Osnabrück University
Institute for Migration Research
and Intercultural Studies (IMIS)
H. Nese Özgen
Sociology & Anthropology
Sociology and Anthropology of borders, Capital accumulation and negotiation on citizenship on border, Political economy of the borders, State, border and class, Political geography of motherland, Gendered of borders.
Havva Neşe Özgen, professor of Sociology and Anthropology in Turkey since 2005 (Ege University/TR) graduated in 1993 (Ege University/TR). She taught at Ege University, Galatasaray University, Mimar Sinan University (TR) and Sheffield Hallam University (UK) on qualitative and quantitative research technics and methodologies (Engaged Anthropology), Gender matters, Sociology and Anthropology of borders.
She is the author of Selective Forgetting and Remembering of Social Memory; Van-Özalp and 33 Bullets Incidents (Toplumsal Hafızanın Hatırlama ve Unutma Biçimleri: Van-Özalp ve 33 Kurşun Olayı, Tustav Yayinlari, 2003, 2012, 2nd ed.), and Sociology of the Borders (Sınır Sosyolojisi, Metis Publications Inc., 2023, forthcoming).
She conducted ethnographic studies in Turkey's southeastern (Iraq, Syria), eastern (Iran), and northeastern Anatolian borders (Armenia, Georgia, and Azerbaijan), as well as western (Bulgarian, Greece) land borders. Between 2000 and 2013 she completed her projects on Azerbaijani-Turkey Border titled Sex Trafficking in Borders granted by TÜBİTAK; on the Iran-Turkey border titled A Border Massacre and Memory of Ethnicity granted by Ege University and TÜBİTAK; an project titled "The Emigrant: Problems of the Identity and Adaptation of Bulgaria-Born Turks After Their Emigration in Turkey” collaborated with New Bulgarian University and Ege University; and on Syria and Iraq-Turkey borders titled The Political Economies in Border Regions as an Accumulation granted by TÜBİTAK and Ege University.
She worked on her research project "Property and Citizenship in an Eastern Anatolian Border Region" at the Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology (Halle), as part of the Research Group "Caucasian Boundaries and Citizenship from Below" directed by Prof. Lale Yalçn-Heckman (2006-2009). Between 2009 and 2012, she collaborated with Manchester University's Department of Anthropology on research on Greek-Bulgarian and Turkish borders as part of a project funded by ESRC-COST-ISO803 titled "Borders as Sources of Conflicts and Possibilities: On the Delta of Turkey's Borders with Greece and Bulgaria."
She conducted as a researcher in Socio-economic Impact on the Border Between Armenia and Turkey, granted by Hrant Dink Foundation, TÜSİAD and BETAM in 2012. She also worked as a researcher in EUROPEAID /127552/D/SER/TR project, on technical assistance for the Preparation of the Border Surveillance Area Survey in Turkey, “Social Aspects of Changing Management of Border Surveillance Report (SA)” in 2010.
She researched as a visiting scholar University of Macedonia, Department of Balkan, Slavic and Oriental Studies, Thessaloniki/ Greece (2016-2018), and carried her border research from solid borders to solidification of borders (sea/water) through a project titled C18079 "Infrastructure Space and the Future of Migration Management: The EU Hotspots in the Mediterranean Borderscape", a new collaborative project on the refugee hotspots on both sides of the Aegean Sea, funded by the Swiss Network of International Studies (www.snis.ch) during her being as a visiting scholar at Duke University, Cultural Anthropology Department between 2019 and 2021.
Her last research '’Spurring the Khora: Collaborations between NGOs and Women Solidarity Networks in Refugee Camps in Greece’’ aims to understand and discuss the idea of '‘autonomous politics’' by focusing on the prospects and promises of the solidarity and moral economies in the refugee camps as stateless territorialities as a Khôra (χώρα), where refugees who are degraded to the subject of objectification, racialization, and victimization, and stated as res.