Institut für Migrationsforschung und Interkulturelle Studien

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IMIS/SFB Lecture Series

Programme (winter semester 2024/25)

Venue: Room 15/318 (Seminarstraße 20)
Livestreaming is availabe at

1 April 2025, 18.00-19.30
Dr. Hassan Ould Moctar (Development Studies, London School of Economics and Political Science): After Border Externalization: Migration, Race, and Labour in Mauritania

29 April 2025, 18.00-19.30
Prof. Dr. Lauren Stokes (History, Northwestern University/Hamburg Institute of Advanced Study): The Jet Age in Eight Passengers: Learning to Use the Infrastructures of International Aviation

13 May 2025, 18.00-19.30
Prof. Dr. Peter Schneck & Dr. Laura Zander (American Literature & Culture/English Literature, Osnabrück University): Human Rights, Literary Form and the Subject on the Move

27 May 2025, 18.00-19.30
Prof. Dr. Ana Deumert (Linguistics, University of Cape Town): What if … there had never been settlers? Thinking about coloniality, migration and language

10 June 2025, 18-19.30
Dr. Marie Beyrich (Law, Regensburg University): Between Aspiration and Reality: The Administrative Practice of Implementing the Right to Family Reunification for Refugees

24 June 2025, 18.00-19.30
Research Group ›The Production of Knowledge on Migration‹ (IMIS, Osnabrück University): Researching Knowledge Production on Migration

15 July 2025, 18.00-19.30
Prof. Dr. Paul Mecheril (Educational Science, Bielefeld University): Research on Racism? Exploring the Development of an Academic Practice between Empirical Research, Theory and Politics

Workshops & Conferences

20/21 March: GHS-Workshop 2025 Migration und soziale Rechte im 20. und 21. Jahrhundert‹ (Bremen, Gesellschaft für Historische Sozialpolitikforschung in Koop. mit SFB 1604). Weitere Informationen

8 April: Workshop ›Reflexive Ethnography‹ with John Bornemann (Anthropology, Princeton University)

9/10 April: IRTG-Workshop ›Good Scientific Practice‹

10/11 April: Workshop ›Epistemic Trust in Migration Studies‹ (in cooperation with MPI-MMG)

Past Events


IMIS SFB Lecture, 4 February 2025: Prof. Dr. Ewald Frie (History, University of Tübingen) & Prof. Dr. Boris Nieswand (Sociology, University of Tübingen): Academic Collaborations. Reflections on the Practice of CRC 923 Threatened Orders‹. Video

IMIS/SFB Lecture, 13 January 2025: Prof. Dr. Johann Lindquist (Social Anthropology, Stockholm University): Infrastructures of Circulation: Migrant Health Assessments and Preparatory Training in Southeast Asia and East Africa. Video

IMIS/SFB Lecture, 17 December 2024: Prof. Dr. Eva G. T. Green (Social Psychology, University of Lausanne): The Big Picture: How Cultural Diversity and Social Norms Co-Produce Migration Attitudes

IMIS/SFB Lecure, 3 December 2024: Dr. Teresa Piacentini (Sociology, University of Glasgow): Developing a Critical Pedagogy of Migration Studies

IRTG Lecture Series, 5 November 2024: Dr. Maurice Stierl: The Sahara, migration, and the contested production of knowledge around ›border deaths‹

IMIS/SFB Lecture, 24 September 2024: Prof. Dr. Albert Scherr, PH Freiburg: Terminology and Methodology of Reflexive Migration Research

IMIS/SFB Lecture, 12 August 2024: Prof. Dr. Harald Bauder, Toronto Metropolitan University: Sovereignty and Solidarity: The Production of Migration in State and Urban Politics. Video

IMIS/SFB Lecture, 25 June 2024: Prof. Dr. Naika Foroutan, Director of the German Center for Integration and Migration Research (DeZIM), Berlin: Postmigrant Knowledge Production, with a commentary by Prof. Dr. Janine Dahinden, Transnational Studies, University of Neuchâtel & SFB Mercator Fellow. Video

IRTG Lecture Series, 11 June 2024: Prof. Dr. Christoph Rass: The making of ›Gastarbeiter/guest worker‹

IMIS/SFB Lecture, 28 May 2024: Prof. Dr. Steven Vertovec, Director of the Max-Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity, Göttingen: The Travels of Superdiversity- Producing and Reproducing Concepts. Video

IMIS/SFB Lecture, 14 May 2024: Assoc. Prof. Luna Vives González, Montréal University/Canada: Evolving Maritime Search and Rescue along the Border of the EU: Death, Resistance, Hope. Video

IRTG Lecture Series, 7 May 2024: Prof. Dr. Andreas Pott: Key ideas of the Collaborative Research Center ›Production of Migration‹

Workshops & Conferences

17 February 2025: Workshoph with Mediendienst Integration

10. Februar 2025, 18-20 Uhr: Diskussionsveranstaltung Wahlprogramme auf dem Prüfstand: Diskussion migrationspolitischer Forderungen aus Sicht von Wissenschaft und Praxis. Weitere Informationen und zur Aufzeichnung

13-14 January 2025: Workshop Researching Infrastructures. Theoretical and Methodological Questionson with Johan Lindquist (in cooperation with RTG 2951 ›Cross-Border Labour Markets‹)

29 January 2025: Talk + Discussion with Avraham Rosenblum: Hummustopia - Food-based Research on Everyday Practices of Democracy and Conviviality

4 December 2024: ReflexLab Workshop on ethics and politics of researching and teaching migration with Teresa Piacentini

25 November 2024: Talk & Discussion with Prof. Dr. Maurice Crul (Sociology, Amsterdam): ›Diversity in Higher Education. A new field of study‹ (in cooperation with the IMIS Diversity Working Group)

20 November 2024: Workshop: ›Social meaning and accommodation in multilingual contexts‹ (Organisation: Project B5)

8 November 2024: Workshop Production of Gendered Migration in Nepal: Labour Markets, Colonised Subjectivities and Social Dynamics(Organisation: Project B3)

5 November 2024: IRTG Workshop on qualitative interviewing

23-25 October 2024: International conference Production of Migration: Figures, Infrastructures and Spaces and inauguration of the Collaborative Research Centre SFB 1604. Details

16-18 October 2024: Workshop Epistemic Trust and Migration Studies (in cooperation with MPI-MMG)

8 October 2024: Research Ethics Workshop (ReflexLab)

12 August 2024: Workshop Reflexivities in Border Studies with Prof. Dr. Harald Bauder, Toronto Metropolitan University

12 July 2024: Online spring conference by the DGS Section Labour and industrial sociology: Migration und Arbeit (Prof. Dr. Hajo Holst, SFB 1604; Prof. Dr. Tine Haubner, Bielefeld; Prof. Dr. Stefan Sauer, Kempten)

28 June 2024: Workshop Norms, Administration, and Refugee Agency (Prof. Dr. Christoph Rass, IMIS/SFB 1604 & Prof. Dr. Kerstin von Lingen, University of Vienna). Bericht

26 June 2024: ReflexLab Workshop Intersecting Positionalities with Prof. Dr. Janine Dahinden, University of Neuchâtel & SFB Mercator Fellow

25 June 2024: ReflexLab Workshop Postcolonial Perspectives and Spaces of Migration with Dr. Inken Carstensen-Egwuom, Europa-Universität Flensburg

5 April 2024: Workshop: Konzepte von Agency in Fluchtforschung und Historischer Migrationsforschung (Dr. Marcel Berlinghoff, Dr. Sebastian Huhn, Prof. Dr. Christoph Rass, Osnabrück University). Bericht