Institute for Migration Research and Intercultural Studies

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Internal events, colloquia, guest lectures, IMIS jour fixe

IMIS talks takes place on Wednesday, 14:00-15:00 o'clock, at the IMIS main meeting room (03/E23).

The coordination rotates among the IMIS mid-level staff for each semester. For the winter term 2024, Mert Pekşen, Philipp Schäfer and Nantke Pecht collectively coordinate IMIS talks. Please contact for organizing and scheduling a new meeting.

** IMIB colloquium exclusively digital, room can be used for other purposes **

IMIS/SFB Jour Fixe
last updated: 20 February 2025
26 Nov (wed) 13:30-14:30h (online) DeZIM-FG-Wednesday with Mira E. Hazzaa, Sebastian Musch, Maria Consuelo Flores Rojas (IMIS) on "Antisemitismus und antimuslimischer Rassismus - Ein Praxisleitfaden für die Lehre"
26 Feb (wed) 13:30-14:30h (online) DeZIM-FG-Wednesday with Andreas Blätte (InZentIM) on Analyse der Bundestagswahl
27 Feb (thu) 17-18:30 (15/128) Keynote by Manuela Bojadžijev: “Contestations over Migration”, organised by the Research Group ›The Production of Knowledge on Migration‹.
12 Mar (wed) 14-15h IMIS talks... with Alexandra Délano Alonso (The New School/USA) on “The Scales of Translocal Solidarity: Accompaniment, Mutuality and Flourishing, Here and There”
26 Mar (wed) 13:30-14:30h (online) DeZIM-FG-Wednesday with Nader Talebi (BIM), "Talking Past Each Other: Politics of Knowledge Production in Transnational Power Relations"
1 Apr (tue) 18.00-19.30h, Raum 15/421, EW, Seminarstraße 20, 49074 Osnabrück IMIS/SFB Lecture with Hassan Ould Moctar (London/LSE): “After Border Externalization: Migration, Race, and Labour in Mauritania”
2 Apr (wed) 14-15h IMIS talks... with Hassan Ould Moctar (London/LSE): "Bordering Postcolonial Capitalism in Nouakchott"
9 Apr (wed) 14-15h IMIS talks... with Helena Olfert (IMIS) on "Current Research on Heritage Languages and Heritage Language Education in Germany"
23 Apr (wed) 14-15h IMIS talks... with Andrea Souto (A Coruña) on "Analysing ethnosexual boundarying in postcolonial migration contexts. The case of Colombian and Brazilian women in Spain and Portugal"
29 Apr (tue) 18.00-19.30h IMIS/SFB Lecture with Lauren Stokes
30 Apr (wed) 13:30-14:30h (online) DeZIM-FG-Wednesday with Julius Diener (MZES) on "Heterogene Einstellungen von politischen Abgeordneten mit unterschiedlichen Migrationshintergründen (PoMigDem Teilprojekt)"
7 May (wed) 14-15h IMIS talks with... Nihad El-Kayed (HU Berlin) tba
13 May (tue) 18.00-19.30 IMIS/SFB Lecture with Peter Schneck & Laura Zander
14 May (wed) 14-15h IMIS talks with... Valentyn Zharonkin (Kherson) on "Ukrainian Roma Migration to Germany: Challenges and Transformations"
21 May (wed) 14-15h IMIS talks with... Tabea Scharrer (MPI/Göttingen) tba
27 May (tue) 18.00-19.30h IMIS/SFB Lecture with Ana Deumert
28 May (wed) 13:30-14:30h (online) DeZIM-FG-Wednesday with Vera Hanewinkel (IMIS) et al. on "Reflecting Impact: Migrationsbezogene Wissenschaftskommunikation"
10 June (tue) 18.00-19.30h IMIS/SFB Lecture with Marie Beyrich
24 June (tue) 18.00-19.30h IMIS/SFB Lecture with the Research Group ›The Production of Knowledge on Migration‹
25 June (wed) 12-14 IMIS+SFB summer lunch in the garden
25 June (wed) 13:30-14:30h (online) DeZIM-FG-Wednesday with Lukas Olbrich, Katia Gallegos-Torres, Luisa Hammer (IAB) on "Vorstellung IMPa (International Mobility Panel of Migrants in Germany)"
15 July (tue) 18.00-19.30h IMIS/SFB Lecture with Paul Mecheril
24 Sep (wed) 13:30-14:30h (online) DeZIM-FG-Wednesday with Tommaso Virgili (WZB), "Imam-Trainings in Germany" tbc
8 Okt (wed) 14-15h IMIS talks....with Samia Dinkelaker (Singapur) on "'Gastarbeiter:innen' in Westdeutschland und Taiwan"
22 Okt (wed) 13:30-14:30h (online) DeZIM-FG-Wednesday with Andrea Rumpel (InZentIM) on Flucht(Migration) und Gesundheitspolitik
29 Okt (wed) 14-15h IMIS talks... with Emma Brahm (IMIS/GeRäuMig) and Mert Pekşen (IMIS/GeRäuMig) tba