Institute for Migration Research and Intercultural Studies

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Corresponding members of IMIS

Dr. Isabell Diekmann
Universität Dortmund, Sociology: Migration and social inequality, prejudice/group-related misanthropy, discrimination, (anti-Muslim) racism, anti-racism. PostDoc in the SFB 1604 "Production of Migration", Osnabrück University/IMIS.
Kornelius Ens
Extraordinary Professor (Klaipėda, Lithuania) / Director of the Museum für russlanddeutsche Kulturgeschichte; Historical Migration Research: Migration and museum education; memory cultures and trauma education in the context of migration; historical migration research with a focus on Russian Germans.
Prof. Dr. Martin Geiger
Carleton University, Ottawa/Canada, geographical and interdisciplinary migration research, social geography (political geography and population geography), transformation and governance studies; regional focus on (South) East Europe and North America.
Dr. Iryna Lapshyna
Ukranian Catholic University, Lviv/Ukraine, International Eonomics: labour migration, irregular migration, diaspora, development, Ukraine
Prof .Dr. Isabella Löhr
Chair of International History of the Twentieth Century at the Freie Universität Berlin and head of the Globalisations in a Divided World department at the Leibniz Centre for Contemporary History in Potsdam (ZZF).
Prof. Panikos Panayi, Ph.D.
De Montfort University of Leicester/Great Britain, European history. Historical migration research, minorities, racism, and violence.
Dr. Nantke Pecht
University of Münster & SFB1604, Linguistics
Dr. Steffen Pötzschke
Postdoctoral Researcher at GESIS – Leibniz-Institute for  the Social Sciences in Mannheim, department Survey Design and Methodology. Migration and Integration research, transnationalism studies, methods of migration research, refugee research.
Prof. Dr. Christiane Reinecke
Europa-Universität Flensburg, Historical Seminar. Modern History: History of Migration and Mobility (with a particular view to the history of border and migration regimes and the tension between modern state practices, territorialisation and globalised mobilities. History of illegality/the production of illegal migration). Urban History (with a particular view to urban inequalities and segregation and to the history of urban peripheries, such as large high-rise housing estates and bidonvilles) History of the Social Sciences (with a particular view to the production and circulation of knowledge on inequality, on class, gender and race).
Prof. Dr. Werner Schiffauer
European University Viadrina, Frankfurt/Oder, comparative cultural and social anthropology. Transformation of rural and urban Turkey, Turkish migration to Europe, organisation of diversity in European societies, European Islam.
Prof. Dr. Antonie Schmiz
Freie Universität Berlin, Institut für Geographische Wissenschaften, Arbeitsbereich Globalisierung, Transformation, Gender.
Prof. Dr. Klaus Schriewer
Universidad de Murcia/Spain: Europäische Ethnologie/Volkskunde; Europa- und Regionalforschung, Biographie- und Erzählforschung, Migrationsforschung, Theoriegeschichte und Kulturtheorie, Verhältnis Mensch - Natur (insbesondere Natur- und Landschaftsbewußtsein), Wirtschaft und Arbeit.
Prof. Dr. Christoph Schroeder
University of Potsdam, Lingusitics: language contact, contrastive linguistics, language typology, multilingualism in schools.
Dr. Helge Schwiertz
Hamburg University, Political science: migration and border regimes, (pro-)migrant organization, social movements, citizenship studies, democracy and political theory.
Prof. em. Dr. Dietrich Thränhardt
University of Münster, political science. Comparative political research, comparative research of migration and integration, migration and European integration, self-help and social capital, politics and history of the Federal Republic of Germany, comparative local politics.
Prof. Dr. Manuela Westphal
University of Kassel, pedagogy. Intercultural pedagogy; adolescence, gender and migration; diversity: migration, gender and disability; socialisation and heterogeneity.
Prof. Dr. Lale Yildirim
University of Kiel, Didactics of History, & SFB1604
Bediz Yilmaz-Bayraktar, Ph.D.
Urban studies, agriculture, migration and refugee studiesch.