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Dr. Nevra Akdemir
Universität Osnabrück
Tel. +49 541 969 4916
Nevra Akdemir
Ökonomie und Sozialgeographie:
Stadtforschung, Geschlechterforschung, Arbeitsgeographie, Migrations- und Fluchtforschung.
Economics and Social Geography:
Urban Studies, gender studies, labor geography, migration- and refugee studies.
Dr. Nevra Akdemir studied Econometrics (B.A.) at the Istanbul University, Development Studies (M.A.) the Marmara University (İstanbul) and Urban Studies (Ph.D.) at Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University in İstanbul, (Turkey). She published the book “Accumulation with Subcontracting: Informalization in Process of Capital Accumulation and Development, The Case of Tuzla Shipyard Region in Istanbul”. She was involved in the research group on the Fatal Work Accidents in the Tuzla Shipyard Region and became a co-author of the report produced by the group. Her PhD thesis focused on relation between urban dynamics and transformation of working class in shipyards regions. The title is “Accumulation, Crises and Spatial Fix: The Case of Tuzla and Yalova Shipyards Regions”. She published the field of labour process, economic development and gender with particular focus on the precarization/informalization process of labour and the role of female labour in economic development process.
After working for Toros University the Faculty of Architecture in Mersin (2013-2015), she worked as assistant professor for the Gaziantep University, the Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences (Feb 2015-Sep 2017). She gave courses in urban politics, gendered space, regional development and urban economics. She studied the concretization of labour practices and capital accumulation processes in urban spaces, thus on 'production of space by human agency'. She also studies on different dimensions of development questions by especially focusing on labour geography, gendered space, urban studies and changing production and labour processes. Since May 2018, she is working as a post-doctoral researcher at the Department of Migration and Society at IMIS, University of Osnabrück, in the subproject “Loss of Status for Highly Educated Female Refugees”, and is an IMIS member since April, 2019.
Selected Publications
- Book (Author): Taşeronlu Birikim: Tuzla Tersaneler Bölgesinde Üretim İlişkilerinde Enformelleşme [Accumulation with Subcontractors: Informalization at Relation of Production in Religion of Shipyards in Tuzla], İstanbul: Published by Sosyal Araştırmalar Vakfı Yayınları, 2008.
- Article (Co-Author): “Gaziantep’te Göç ve Yerellik Üzerinden Birikim Dinamikleri” [The Dynamics of Accumulation through Migration and Localities in Gaziantep Abstract], Emek Araştırma Dergisi (GEAD) , Cilt 8, Sayı 11, Haziran 2017, p. 55-74, with Dr. Serkan Öngel. See more:
- A Survey on The General Conditions of Women’s Employment in Turkey After The Prime Ministrial Circular No.2010-14/2012 - funded by SIDA, 1st May 2013-31 April 2014. See more: Http://Keig.Org/Eng/Raporlar.Aspx#Sthash.Dhjucyig.Dpuf
- Article (Co-Author): “Tuzla Tersaneler Bölgesi’nde Örülen ve Üstü Örtülen Sınıfsallıklar” [Covering and Recovering the Class at the Tuzla Shipbuilding Region/Turkey], Sınıfta Kalmak, the Journal of Society and Science, Istanbul: Published by İletişim, vol 113, September 2008 (with Aslı Odman).
- Report about Serial and Preventable Fatal Work Accident at the Tuzla Shipyards, Member of the interdisciplinary Monitoring Committee on the Working and Safety Conditions at the Tuzla Shipyards, Published by TMMOB, 2007-2009.
- Article (Author): “Taşeronluk ve İş Kazalarını Birleştiren Eksen: Güvencesiz Çalışma “[Precarious Work as Assemble with Subcontract and Work Accident], the Journal of Community and Physician, TTB (Turkish Medical Association), Vol. 23, Issue 4, 2008.
- Journal (Editorial Board of Issue and Co-author): “Alternatif Kadın Örgütlenmelerine Doğru: Sendikaların Kadın Yüzü [Towards to Alternative Women’s Organisation: Female Aspect of Trade Unions]” with Özlem Tezcek, Kadın Gözüyle Yeniden Bakmak [Looking Again via Women Eyes]: Economy, Published by Istanbul University Alumni Association, Issue 469, 2006.