Institute for Migration Research and Intercultural Studies

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Information for IMIB students

EuMIGS coordination office

Dr. Sophie Hinger
Osnabrück University
Institute for Migration Research and Inter-
cultural Studies (IMIS)
Seminarstraße 19 a/b
49074 Osnabrück

Ahmet Celikten, M.A.
IMIS, address see above

Petra Lehmeyer
Administration EuMIGS
address see above
Phone +49 541 969 4749
Room 03/116
Mo-Thur 9-12h


Application calendar

January 2025Selection process and notification of students
Early-summer 2025Official application to the second-year university
Fall 2025Start of the second-year Master's studies as an EuMIGS Double Degree Student

Application documents


  • A signed PDF copy of the online application form
  • Motivationsschreiben auf Englisch! (motivation letter)
  • tabellarischer Lebenslauf (CV)
  • einfache Kopie der Hochschulzugangsberechtigung, z.B. Abiturzeugnis (copy of the Hochschulzugangsberechtigung);
    bei Master-Studierenden zusätzlich: Kopie des Bachelor-Zeugnisses inkl. Noten (copy of the Bachelor's degree)
  • Nachweis der im aktuellen Studium bisher erbrachten Studienleistungen: im Original vom Prüfungsamt ausgestellt
    (entfällt für Erstsemester)
  • Bescheinigung der Sprachkenntnisse der Unterrichtssprache (für den Erst- und Zweitwunsch, nicht älter als 2 Jahre, ausgestellt durch Sprachenzentrum) (Englisch mind. B2) sowie andere Language Certificates wie z.B. TOEFL oder Cambridge oder einem englischsprachigen BA Studium. 

Apply here online

Please compile all documents as a single PDF document (max. 10 MB) and send it to by December 31, 2024.

Credit calculation for outgoing students

MA IMIB Examination Regulations as of 2022-2

MA IMIB Examination Regulations as of 2018-2

EuMIGS Exchange Program

In addition to the Double Degree Program, the EuMIGS also gives you the opportunity to spend a semester at one of the EuMIGS network universities as an EuMIGS Exchange Student:

École Normale Supérieure de Lyon: Migration Studies

Université Côte d'Azur: Migration Studies

University of Copenhagen: Advanced Migration Studies

Erasmus University Rotterdam:Governance of Migration and Diversity (GMD)

Master in International Migration and Ethnic Relations (IMER) at Malmö University, Sweden

Master in Ethnic and Migration Studies at Linköping Universitet, Sweden

Master in Social Policies and Socio-Community Intervention (MOPS) at Universidade da Coruña, Spain

Master program Sociology with study extension program in Migration Studies at Paris Lodron University Salzburg, Austria

Master in Sociology with professional focus in Immigration Studies at University of Liège, Belgium

If you are interested in a one-semester exchange at a partner university please apply via the international office. Different application rules and deadlines apply. For more information contact